Israel as the protagonist of a replacement theory narrative

Maarten Schumacher
2 min readOct 14, 2023
Photo by Taylor Brandon on Unsplash

Replacement theory, also known as the Great Replacement, is a theory that claims that white people are under threat of being replaced by non-whites (Arabs in Europe, Mexicans in the US). This replacement supposedly happens through immigration, declining white birthrates, and corruption of white culture, all enabled by liberal elites (called “replacists”). This theory has been the inspiration for many terror attacks like the one from Anders Breivik, and shootings in Christchurch, El Paso, Buffalo and Jacksonville.

What makes replacement theory attractive is that it’s not just a theory of white supremacy, but of white endangerment. Whiteness is like a beautiful but fragile flower in danger of being stomped on by hordes of savages. Such endangerment enhances the value of whiteness, arouses a passion for defending it, and turns brutish racist violence into heroic acts of defense.

What does this have to do Israel? While it’s a stretch to claim that white Europeans will soon be replaced with Muslims, or white Americans with Mexicans, Israel embodies a much more credible threat. Israel is an island of whiteness surrounded by Arab countries that are actively hostile towards it. If you think Israel is set up to protect Jewishness, not whiteness, Israel itself doesn’t think like that anymore, as evidenced by their horrible treatment of Ethiopian Jews.

So what to make of the fact that Israeli war crimes and illegal occupation can be completely out in the open, yet the US and EU still unconditionally support it? Why is it so easy for the media to make us empathize with scared white Israeli’s, and why is it so easy for us to believe the ridiculous claim that Hamas beheaded 40 babies? Why does the “Israel has a right to defend itself” argument never seem to get old?

It might have something to do with how Israel enables us to enjoy whiteness through its (self-created) endangerment.

